An absurd two-hander comedy sketch show about a sailor with a beard made of
bread and his sidekick, Davy Scones. Fast-paced bready-brilliant fun for
adults and children of all ages! "A wonderfully funny and playful hour of
entertainment that will make you laugh your socks off... So totally,
absolutely, barking mad bonkers and bizarre that there's no way it should
work, but it does." **** (Page on Stage) "Brave, childishly satisfying &
silly comedy at its best." (Adam Hotchkis, Brighton Fringe Audience)
"Energetic, vibrant and convincing. I'm definitely not a kid's show kind
of person but this cleverly spans all age groups. You won't be
disappointed." (Angela Dye, Radio Faversham)
Related Donation Fund: Support Otherplace/The Warren